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Efficacy of yoga package on cognitive flexibility and attention in university girls: A single group pilot study

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Author Details : Sandeep Singh, Yashi Tyagi*

Volume : 11, Issue : 1, Year : 2024

Article Page : 3-7

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Background: Executive functions and attention are key indicator of cognitive health. Cognitive flexibility, the ability to flexibly switch between tasks, is a core dimension of executive functions. Yoga helps to improve mental wellness, which consequently provides cognitive flexibility.
Aim: This study aimed to determine the effect of yoga on cognitive flexibility and attention in university girls.
Materials and Methods: Thirty healthy university girls (group mean ± SD; 18.27 ± 1.44) were enrolled as participants in the study. Trail Making Test (TMT) parts A and B were used to assess their cognitive flexibility whereas sustained attention was determined using Six Letter Cancellation Test (SLCT). The assessments were taken at baseline and after three months of yogic practices. Statistical analysis was performed by paired t-test to examine the effect of yoga on cognitive flexibility and attention in university girls.
Results: There was a significant decrease in time taken to complete TMT part A (t= 4.33; P<0 xss=removed t=-2.80;> Conclusion: The results suggest that yoga improves visual search ability and motor speed skills and hence cognitive flexibility and attention in university girls.

Keywords: Cognitive flexibility, Attention, Yoga, University girls.

How to cite : Singh S, Tyagi Y, Efficacy of yoga package on cognitive flexibility and attention in university girls: A single group pilot study. J Educ Technol Health Sci 2024;11(1):3-7

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