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Received : 14-01-2023

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Impromptu yet effective conduct of Jigsaw to teach a topic in biochemistry for first MBBS students

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Original Article

Author Details : Poonam Agrawal*, Pooja Devi, Elvia Jamatia

Volume : 10, Issue : 3, Year : 2023

Article Page : 94-97

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Background: Jigsaw technique as a teaching modalities is an important and fascinating mode of teaching students a particular topic in an effective and interesting manner. Though the effectiveness of Jigsaw implementation is documented by many researchers, not only for medical science subjects but also for various topics in chemistry, engineering and nursing courses, it’s application and feasibility is often being questioned. Many researchers find the implementation of Jigsaw a daunting task, which requires a lot of time, planning and number of resource person.
This article emphasises upon feasibility of Jigsaw implementation and its effectiveness in spite of all odds like limitation of resource faculty, time, space etc.
Methodology: In this study Jigsaw planning was done impromptu for revision of the topic “Enzyme” for students of biochemistry in first MBBS.
49 out of total 62 students of batch A reported for tutorial session. They were divided into 6 experts groups[EG1-EG6]. Each EG was given one sub topic out of above. They were instructed to discuss it among their peers in EG. Later one student from each EG was mobilised to create home group[HG].
Total 8 HG were thus created and the students were asked to discuss their subtopic in HG in sequential manner; which means first of all student from EG-1 discusses the sub topic to rest of the members of his/her own HG, next the student from EG 2 explains the sub topic to rest of the members of his/her own HG. This fashion all the sub topics were sequentially discussed in all the HG parallelly and the whole topic of enzyme was discussed in each HG in peer assisted learning fashion. Students were later asked to write reflection on this activity.
Same activity was repeated for batch B students.
Result: During analysis of reflection it was found that this exercise was appreciated by majority of students, and they perceived this activity as an interesting and effective modality of teaching learning. They even wanted repetition of Jigsaw activity in future for various other topics.
Conclusion: It is concluded that in-spite of limitation of time and limited faculty backup, Jigsaw can be effectively implemented for benefit of students in a short notice.

Keywords: Jigsaw method, Expert group, Home group, Enzyme, Impromptu conduct.

How to cite : Agrawal P, Devi P, Jamatia E, Impromptu yet effective conduct of Jigsaw to teach a topic in biochemistry for first MBBS students. J Educ Technol Health Sci 2023;10(3):94-97

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