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Received : 02-09-2023

Accepted : 14-09-2023

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Social media addiction - A threat to human society

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Short Communication

Author Details : P Vadivukkarasi Ramanadin*, S Kanmani, N Sriram, Sudheendra Mutalikadesai, Nirukumari Patel, Amar Alim Mulla

Volume : 10, Issue : 2, Year : 2023

Article Page : 53-55

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Utilizing the technology made our life very easier and brought the globe in our hand which has got both pros and cons. Young generation is more of techno oriented than the values that makes them to be depending on the social medias easily that affects the domains of health. A study was conducted to assess the Social media addiction among the paramedical students. Quantitative research approach with non experimental, descriptive research design was used. Non probability convenient sampling technique was used to select 140 para medical students who fulfills the inclusion criteria. Self administered structured questionnaire was used. Modified social media addiction likert scale was used with 20 items. Findings of the study shows that vast majority (103(74%)) of the students were addicted to the social media. To conclude, it is the high time for the policy-makers to restrict on this and make provision to improve the interaction skills.

Keywords: Social media addiction, Social interactions.

How to cite : Ramanadin P V, Kanmani S, Sriram N, Mutalikadesai S, Patel N, Mulla A A, Social media addiction - A threat to human society. J Educ Technol Health Sci 2023;10(2):53-55

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