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Received : 16-11-2021

Accepted : 13-12-2021

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Comparison of structured interactive lecture (SIL) and flipped classroom method (FCM) in learning ophthalmology topics among undergraduate medical students

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Original Article

Author Details : Padma B Prabhu*, Jyothi P T

Volume : 8, Issue : 3, Year : 2021

Article Page : 93-98

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Introduction: Structured interactive lectures (SIL) and Flipped classroom methods (FCM) are newer teaching learning methods which utilise pedagogical way of teaching. This study intends to compare efficacy of both methods in the understanding of ophthalmology topics among undergraduate novice.
Objectives: To compare the effectiveness in learning, conduct of classes and perception of students regarding both methods.
Materials and Methods: Quasi experimental study. Duration – 6 months. Population- 6 sem students, sample size – 45 in each group. Three topics selected (of varying complexities) and taught by SIL and FCM method. Pretest and posttest were conducted to assess the knowledge acquired. Feedback regarding the conduct of both sessions were taken in Likert’s scale. Perception comparing both techniques were also evaluated.
Results: Difference between pretest scores were not significant. Difference between pretest and posttest scores were significant. SIL is better than FCM for undergraduate students posted for the first time in ophthalmology department. The students were enthusiastic with both methods. FCM was prefered by the students for motivation, subject retention, topic simplification and subject interest. The students narratives are discussed.
Conclusion: Structured interactive lectures are better for improving knowledge. Flipped classrooms kept students active. A hybrid method maybe more effective. Long term followup is needed to evaluate recall and performance in exams.

Keywords: Structured interactive lectures, Flipped classroom method, Pedagogy, Large group teaching, Undergraduate medical education, Ophthalmology.

How to cite : Prabhu P B, Jyothi P T, Comparison of structured interactive lecture (SIL) and flipped classroom method (FCM) in learning ophthalmology topics among undergraduate medical students. J Educ Technol Health Sci 2021;8(3):93-98

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