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Received : 12-12-2021

Accepted : 20-12-2021

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Giving feedback in the new CBME curriculum paradigm: Principles, models and situations where feedback can be given

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Review Article

Author Details : Thomas V Chacko*

Volume : 8, Issue : 3, Year : 2021

Article Page : 76-82

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The new competency based medical education represents a paradigm shift from a teacher centered to a student centered learning of outcome competencies paradigm and so both the students and the teachers are unfamiliar with it. Giving and receiving feedback is central to the competency development framework. Only through frequent, timely and appropriate feedback there will be effective development of cognitive competence in its lead up to performance of competence. These concepts are illustrated to convey the importance of giving feedback to students. As the teachers are expected to practice giving feedback to students, they were opportunistically asked prior to a faculty development workshop what their priority learning needs about giving feedback are. Based on this a focused review of literature was done to collect the information on the various models of giving feedback, the principles for giving feedback, the possible situations in curriculum delivery where teachers can and should give feedback to students.The literature revealed some good practice models for giving feedback to the naïve as well as the mature students in ambulatory and clinical teaching settings as well as on their performance as revealed by their test results. Models of counseling which has strong element of feedback on the learner’s performance and helping them choose the way forward after identifying the problem is also shared.

Keywords: Feedback principles, Feedback models, Mentoring, Competency progression.

How to cite : Chacko T V, Giving feedback in the new CBME curriculum paradigm: Principles, models and situations where feedback can be given. J Educ Technol Health Sci 2021;8(3):76-82

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