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Effectiveness of 3D video system on the performance of students during preclinical Cavity preparation exercise

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Author Details : Ritesh R Kalaskar, Ashita R Kalaskar

Volume : 2, Issue : 2, Year : 2015

Article Page : 57-61

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Objective: 3 D video system/computer assisted learning is an excellent tool enabling the students to visualize different clinical situations as many times as required to analyze it critically. It has been shown that frequent visualization of the pre clinical dental exercises using computer based technology improves the practical performance of the students.  The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of 3D video system with traditional bench type laboratory teaching on the performance of dental students in preclinical cavity preparation exercise.
Methods: Forty students were divided into two groups of twenty each: traditional bench type teaching and 3 D video group. Student’s pre clinical cavity preparation performance was evaluated based on eight quantitative questionnaires. Thereafter students were exposed to nine qualitative questionnaires with response option on a five-point Likert scale that evaluated their stress, confidence and perception regarding the training given to them.
Results: The average scores of cavity preparation exercise in group I and group II was 3.2 and 5.3 respectively. Approximately 60% of the students in group I agreed that they were stressed during cavity preparation. Improved confidence and better understanding of the pre clinical cavity preparation exercise was observed in students with 3 D video group.
Conclusion: 3 D video was very well perceived by the students. There was significant improvement in the student’s pre-clinical performance after using 3 D video.

Key words
: Computer assisted learning, dental education, learning methods, performance

How to cite : Kalaskar R R, Kalaskar A R, Effectiveness of 3D video system on the performance of students during preclinical Cavity preparation exercise. J Educ Technol Health Sci 2015;2(2):57-61

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