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Effect of formative assessment of students on their academic performance in Department of Kriya Sharir

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Author Details : Pradnya D. Dandekar

Volume : 2, Issue : 2, Year : 2015

Article Page : 51-56

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Assessment is an integral part of the teaching learning process. It helps us to know the success of specific teaching & students’ progress. Formative assessment is the informal way of knowing students’ progress. To evaluate the effect of Formative Assessment of the students on their Academic performance this project was undertaken. The randomly selected group of 40 studentswas taught the topic Rasa & Rakta Dhatu at same time by using different types of teaching methods as didactic & demonstration. Then they randomly divided into two groups. Group A (N =20) was Control Group. No any intervention given to the students. Group B (N =20) was Experimental Group. This group was given the interventions by conducting quiz and group discussion on the topic of Rasa & Rakta Dhatu. Pretest and posttest based on MCQs to test recall memory & SAQs test to check analyzing power were developed on the topic of Rasa & Rakta Dhatu for both groups. The tests were then collected, scored and compiled. The students of Group B showed statistically significant improvement in recall memory which was tested by MCQs test (p=0.0001) & to test descriptive & analyzing power SAQs test was framed. Analysis showed enhancement in marks in SAQs but the result was not statistically significant. It was concluded that students assessed by formative assessment significantly score high than students who were not assessed. Formative assessment shows good effect on academic performance of the students & helps in enhancement of learning.

Key words: Formative assessment, Quiz, Group discussion, MCQs, SAQs, academic performance

How to cite : Dandekar P D, Effect of formative assessment of students on their academic performance in Department of Kriya Sharir. J Educ Technol Health Sci 2015;2(2):51-56

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